Conférence DEBELUX - Railway Technology and Infrastructure in Belgium and in Germany 2025
Séminaire d'information
En détail
Railway Technology and Infrastructure
in Belgium and in Germany
18 March 2025, 8:30 a.m.—3 p.m.
German-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (AHK debelux)
Bolwerklaan 21 Avenue du Boulevard, 1210 Brussels
Conférence :
La Chambre de Commerce AHK debelux vous invite à la conférence germano-belge sur la construction ferroviaire avec des entreprises et des experts des deux pays qui aura lieu le 18 mars 2025. Le 19 et le 20 mars, l’AHK debelux organise également des rencontres B-2-B entre les entreprises des deux pays.
La conférence aura lieu dans les bureaux de l’AHK, Avenue du Boulevard no 12, 1210 Bruxelles.
Programme :
Programme détaillé de la journée du 18 mars de 8h30 à 15h00
German-Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce (AHK debelux)
Bolwerklaan 21 Avenue du Boulevard, 1210 Brussels
Draft Conference program, 03 March 2025 (subject to change)
08:30 |
Reception and Registration |
08:50 |
Welcome and introduction |
08:55 |
Opening remarks |
09:05 |
German-Belgian trade relations at a glance |
09:15 |
The Belgian Railway industry: Trends and Outlook |
09:35 |
Presentation of German Rail Technologies (Part I) Elisabeth Schömer, Exec. Assistant to MD & International Sales Max Warmuth, CEO Yannick Schuler, Key Account Management Dennis Böhm, Regional Sales Manager After Sales & Service BU Gangways, Mobility Rail Dr. Thomas Strang, CEO Henning Gebel, international technical sales |
10:15 |
Q&A on German Rail Technologies (Part I) |
10:20 |
Optimizing Neutral Hill services in freight transport |
10:40 |
The digitalization of Belgium’s railways: how ETCS is changing rail traffic Kenny Van Heuverswijn, Signalling Manager |
11:05 |
Coffee Break |
11:30 |
The German railway industry: Trends and Outlook |
11:50 |
Presentation of German Rail Technologies (Part II) Daniela Götz, Senior Strategic Sales Manager Oliver Raukopf, Key Account Manager Marc Stentenbach, CEO Dr. Isabelle Vinage, Sales Manager Björn Janßen, Sales of rail vehicle technology |
12:20 |
Q&A on German Rail Technologies (Part II) |
12:25 |
Presentation of German Rail Technologies (Part III) Sabine Gradischek, CFO Robert Richter, Sales & Construction Michael Unger, Sales Thomas Cott, Head of global Service Business, Team Leader Eng./Sales System Business Bettina Hick, Sales & Business Development, Proxy |
13:00 |
Q&A on German Rail Technologies (Part III) |
13:05 |
Planned investments in the German Rail Network until 2027 |
13:25 |
Closing Remarks |
13:30 |
Networking Lunch |
15:00 |
End of the conference |
Le programme sera constitué en deux parties : une partie "conférence", suivi d'une partie "rendez-vous". Il est possible de ne particper qu'à une seule des deux activités.
A propos des rendez-vous B2B :
Le 19 et 20 mars, des rendez-vous B2B seront planifiés avec les sociétés allemande suivantes :
Company profiles German participants
AKG Thermotechnik International GmbH : heat exchange systems
Cooling Experts Around The Globe – 3300 employees
Axtone GmbH : Buffers & CRASH Elements
Design and manufacturing of critical components and tech solutions – 27 employees
Gertek Gerätetechnik GmbH :Manufacturer of customized power systems
Customized power systems to protect from power outages in critical infrastructure, industrial environments, data centers and maritime environments - 27 employees
Hübner GmbH & Co. KG :
World market leader in gangway systems for articulated buses and trains - 3500 employees
Intelligence on Wheels GmbH : railway safety systems
Innovative railway safety systems : on-board train collision avoidance systems, personal track worker & level crossing protection systems - electronic maps creation - 5 employees
KST GmbH Kamera & System Technik : video solutions
stationary and mobile, analogue or digital video solutions for rolling stock – 16 employees
RAILONE GmbH : sleepers
Leader in the development of high-quality concrete track and turnout sleepers – 300 employees
tracking-rail GmbH :
Service provider for the rail and bus industry with railspecific certification – 195 employees
Varialux GmbH : lights and stop bars
Development, production and sales of railway equipment (lights and stop bars) – 65 employees
W.S. Werkstoff Service GmbH : testing and inspection services
Testing services and inspection services of materials – 35 employees
Wagner Rail GmbH : fire protection
Fire protection as a holistic solution. Pioneering. Worldwide – 35 employees
WINDHOFF Bahn- und Anlagentechnik GmbH : railway technology
130 years of innovation and experience in rail technology – 310 employees
Witt Solutions GmbH : protection systems
Intelligent measurement technology for higher-level protection systems (DC) – 11-50 employees
G. Zwiehoff GmbH
leader in road-rail vehicle development – 33 employees
Inscriptions :
Merci de vous inscrire impérativement avant le 10 mars 2025 en complétant le formulaire accessible via inscription journée ferroviaire
Pour plus d’informations pratiques, veuillez contacter :
Madame Claire CABY
E-mail :
Tél. : + 32 2 204 01 79